Shrubs Wanted!

May 2019

We've have been hard at work recently, rotavataing the copse area by the main gate at the entrance to the  
club that runs behind to the green fence by the squash courts .
This is the first area that any visitors to the club will see!
I'm sure you agree it needs sprucing up!

                                     Looking Rather Bare!


Having cleared the area of grass and weeds and having dug the holes, we now want to plant 
some nice shrubs before the Glamorgan match (May 14th)
This is where you can help!

Please Help! .....Bring A Shrub!
During the first 2 weeks of May, we are asking Parents / Friends / Supporters 
to donate a shrub (hardy Herbacious Plants and shrubs) to the cause. Just bring it along and
we'll do the rest ...... unless of course you want to plant it yourself!
We look forward to your support and seeing the final outcome.  A picture of course will be put on the web site!
Thank you.